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Aegirine can assist in the evolution of negative emotional patterns such as blame, shame, guilt, worthlessness and self pity. It assists you in finding the energy and determination to positively express your energy in the world. It can be very helpful for you if you are trying to break addictive habits, as it will reveal the emotional reasons for the behaviour. 


SKU: Zomba001
  • 101g

  • Zomba mountain associated to the Zomba Plateau in Malawi yields a diversity of minerals in complex arrangements and mix of associations. Orthoclase is a primary matrix, with Smokey Quartz, Aegirine and Zircon being the most commonly occurring species. The deposits are widespread and show a diversity of habits and forms.

    Classic terminations are more frequent than acicular terminations. Zomba is often seen as non classically beautiful specimens, but they are always complex specimens and fascinating in terms of formative processes.

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